Attainment Results

We are proud of our children's achievements. At Sacred Heart the children and staff work extremely hard to achieve the best that they can. Please see the tables below to see how well the children have done and compare our results with the national average.

Click here to compare against other schools locally and nationally.

There was no testing in 2020 due to COVID-19.

Reception Class

  Good Level of Development
School Results 2023 58%
National Results 2023 67%

YEAR 1 phonics screening

School Results 2023 69%
National Results 2023 79%

End of Key Stage 1

School Results
Age expected  greater depth
Reading 69% 15%
Writing 66% 13%
Maths 79% 18%
Science 74% N/A
National Results
Age Expected greater depth
Reading 68% 19%
Writing 60% 8%
Maths 70% 16%
Science 79% N/A

End of Key Stage 2

School Results
age expected greater depth progress measure average sCALED score
Reading 76% 27% -1.02 105
Writing 78% 12% -0.35 N/A
Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar 78% 29% N/A N/A
Maths 85% 25% 0.68 105
Reading, Writing and Maths 68% 7% N/A N/A

National Results

age expected 

greater depth

progress measure Southend


Reading 73% 29% -0.5 105
Writing 71% 13% 0.5 N/A
Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar 72% 30% N/A N/A
Maths 73% 24% -0.2 104
Reading, Writing and Maths 60% 8% N/A N/A